I'm trying to desperatley form a crew for this MULTI-MEDIA group/company thing I want to get started. Basically my idea is to form this group and to get started and done projects that seem really interesting and should definetly see some sort of publishing or showing. I'm talking about doing things like comics;graphic novels, short story anthologies, novels, childrens books, commercials, movies, calendars, web-comics, web-series, etc. I mean everything under the sun that is media to the world!!
If you have a talent and you are willing to work in a group with a bunch of people gunning for your project while you gun for their projects as well then lets join forces because that's what I want this group to be about. We wouldn't just be working on one project at once, no way, we'd be following that Poly-Project thing I mentioned a while back. Even if your not an artist of some kind, if you just have a talent for Organization or say idk you just want to help in some way shape or form, let me know!!
On a different note, here is an Illustration I did a while back of my character Ananami from the graphic novel I will be working on after 'Masters of Fiction!' the graphic novel he is in is called, 'Three White Wolves'. I'll get into a synopsis later with you gentle people. But anyways, the illustration was done with a mechanical 0.5 pencil, inking pens and copic markers. It took me a while to really find the right way to do this one but I think I really got the colors to look great in this. All the characters in the background are my inspirations over the years for this character and many other characters I've created. Hope you like it.