Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Books, baby!

So last year I read a sum total of, as it turns out, 17 books. Pathetic, right? So this year of course I want to beat that. Here's the books I have on my list so far:

The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
Unfinished Tales by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. Talkies
The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler
The Education of an Illustrator by Heller/Arisman
The Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft

Six so far and more to be added! I'm currently still on my first book and loving it. So much history and curious tales. Its fantastic and I'm having a great time.

Any suggestions from you guys on what I should read?

Monday, January 25, 2016

The return of 'Chet and Amanda'

That's right! The prodigal comedy duo returns this year coming soon! What used to be called, 'Commercials Extras' will now be called, 'Chet and Amanda' named after the title characters. This series stars myself, alongside my wife and various friends of ours. It's going to be great. I have seven scripts done already this year and intend to do at least twenty. Filming will begin next weekend. I myself am a professional actor, having acted and been paid for acting in various commercials as well as having performed on the stage as well. My wife has been acting alongside myself for years now as well as my friends.
All in all it is a fun great series that will be filled with comedy and sanity. I'll keep you posted and in on the fun to come!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

So here is my New Year's list this year 2016

New Year's List:

1. Shoot more films (40): 'Chet and Amanda', comedy sketches, action, drama, fantasy, commercials.
2. Trips
3. More photo shoots
4. More essay, short stories, scripts
5. One post a week on blog and page (of which I'm failing at so far, lol)
6. Say, 'yes' more
7. Complete portfolio for comic cons
8. Get way fitter
9. Get published

Let's do this.

Friday, January 22, 2016

On Writing an Essay

Man I have to tell you, I have been struggling for twenty-one days now since the New Year with trying to write an essay. Why, you ask? Look, so, I like reading books like the Philosophy and  Pop Culture books you know, on like philosophy and Doctor Who, or Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, all of that. Of course all of that type of writing is essentially essay type writing, and man, I really enjoy that writing, so of course I want to try and write like that.
For a week or so at first I struggled with just coming up with a subject to write about. At first I liked one and then I changed it to another. Then of course I started another idea and went all in practically, writing a title page and an introductory paragraph and even a thesis sentence. Then that all went to shit.
How do they do it, you know? The great essayists of our time. Granted they've been all studying it for forever now and writing in such a style for a long time and stuff but I figure any type of writer should be able to get into that style. I love, love, love the fact that Neil Garman, one of my favorite writers, constantly writes essay which are fascinating and structured interestingly. Even my other favorite author, Christopher Moore wrote an essay I found on the love of vampires in fiction, he may have written others too but that's the one I came across, and it was fantastic.
All in all, I'm going to keep trying.