Well ladies and germs I be on me way to becoming a playwright/director hopefully pretty soon!!! I finished up writing my comedy play, "The Quest for Dairy" and recently emailed a local theater organization and they emailed me back. As is customary in polite society, and they said they might have a venue for my play to perform! So I sent them a proposal letter and a copy of my play and well, hopefully things work out. The only thing I'm nervous about is the fact that I had no clue how to write a proposal letter for a play, so I kind of winged it. But still...it seemed like a good letter to me, and I believe my play speaks for itself.
Don't mock my title for the play either, it's hilarious. You will see! You will all see! (fake crazyness in those words) In any case though, I have to hope to God that I get picked up for a performance most definitely. It was my first play so heh, here's hoping!
Also production on my graphic novel is in motion now too, and as soon as I get my hands on some sort of scanner I will post up some pictures and such on here and other various sites I hold dominion over. Please look forward to all that is coming from me and continually give me support, whoever checks out this site and actually reads the blogs.....
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