Well folks here we are in October the month of ghouls and sexy girl costumes...scratch that. I do like that girls like to dress up in sexy superhero and monster costumes don't get me wrong but that's like all some so called "halloween" stores sell....I go to look for an awesome Flash costume, do they have one? No. Do they have some ridiculous thing like a sexy girl Flash costume? Yes. Damn turkeys....October should be about scary stories, fall, horror and Halloween themed illustrations, paintings, comics, shows, tv specials, and movies!!!! Oh and one all important selection that can accompany all of these and more, CANDY. Just saying.
So in anycase, that comic convention I was invited to is looming in on me. TripleCon Oct. 23rd at HCCC starting at 11:00am. I'm working on tons of illustrations for this thing and myself and I really want to be able to put together a "sketchbook" for sale at the con. I figure I will just print up one at this local print shop near me and then have an ordering list with me, to see who wants it, before I put tons of money down on it. The illustrations are all over the map, they're def gonna be fun and cool I have to say, so I hope somebody will want the book haha. Also i will be doing CON SKETCHES at TripleCon of your favorite anime, manga or comic book character, so long as I have some reference on them....Also heck if you want a caracature or portrait let me know and we can set something up!
I'm totally looking forward to TripleCon, I'm pumped!! Come out and see me and just be there and take in the feeling haha. It's a small convention but it's one of the close ones if you live in central NY....just saying.
Also here is a new illustration I did, some personal work and what not for some friends of mine I use to work with. Sort of a parting gift and stuff. Comment if you like it and stuff. Kudos to anyone who can figure out the symbology in the poem and the painting. It's kind of tough and I think you have to know me to get it I spose, but give it a go....
Mike D. Burke
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