These that you see before you are two inspirational architectural designs for rooms. Why you ask? I have recently been inspired to create design concepts like this of a childhood friend of mines living room from when I was young. I shall be using these two design concepts as a sort of layout for how I will tackle this illustration.
I'm doing this illustration as sort of an ode to my own memory of a happy time in my life. A time when it seemed like possibilities were endless for us all, especially myself with my art. I realize I still have a shit ton of growth to do as an artist and luckily I still have lots of time! But I do need to start being more disciplined with all of my talents (art, writing and acting).
Hopefully I will take some good process shots of this whole procedure along the way. I will try, occasionally I mean to do this but then end up going full blown out and finishing the whole thing that night without taking a break. We'll see kids! Stay tuned!
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