So I've been writing out my query letters recently and am loving it. I wrote quite a few queries back in the day but none at the right time. You see, I've never actually had my novel completed before writing a query out. Big mistake. Lesson number one: Write your damn book before sending out any queries! So any way I am writing out my queries and wanted to share some things I've learned.
So here we go:
First write your name
Address line one
Address line two
Phone number
Email address
Agency's name
Address line one
Address line two
Phone number
Email address
Dear (Whoever is the agent you're contacting),
Then say something very small about yourself. Then tell them a bit about your book. After that jump right into your book synopsis.
Second paragraph tell them how grateful you are for their time. Then let them know you have the whole book done and that you'd be glad to send it.
Again, this is just a theory one so far. I still must send them out but all this information is supported by many articles on the internet. Especially ones by successful Literary Agents on Writer's Digest's website.
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