Sunday, January 2, 2011

And so it begins, 2011.....

This is it people, this is the year! This is the year we take charge, we break free from all this monatony and such! I'm very serious about this, this year I'm doing big things, this year I'm getting done what needs be done. I'm going to start a company, finish and publish my graphic novel and do more as well; write, act and film some amazing movies; finish and publish my books I've been working on; write, act and film some commercials; even get a play I wrote performed;and do even more amazing things like, get MARRIED!! Yes, this is also the big year of my fiancee and I's wedding! Wicked exciting right!! PUMPED UP!

So get ready for amazing artwork and get ready for the crazy shit coming ahead; be ready to be stunned by pure awesomeness, to laugh, cry and yell in complete emotional explolsion!!

Yeah, get ready/this shit's about to get heavy/I just settled all my doubts/fuck you FREDDY!!/Now this looks like a job for me/so let me see........whoops sry Em!? Stole some of those lines...heh, my bad.

It has already started my loyal random people who check out my page, I've already begun shooting a film so far entitled, "Max Carnage". In it I play the main bad guy, an assassin named Slaythe. It's a film my friend Andrew Reinhardt has been wanting to film for a year I think, we finally just began, we're writing and filming on the fly, ad libbing the dialogue for the most part and completing the story as we go, we have five minutes of it edited already and it actually looks pretty good!! More news soon....

Mike D. Burke

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