Sunday, August 4, 2013


Expectations are all about the perceived limitations that others put in your head. Life is about exceeding those that others have made and those that you have made for yourself. You have to be able to rise to and above the occasion.

This is so true, yet how am I living up to this? I'm currently sitting on my couch writing this blog that no one reads and not living up to my potential. My wife however has just come back from a run of three miles which she has been training for sometime to do. A record time I might add as well, she's so inspirational to me. She's training to run a race in September and in doing so she wants to be able to run even more than the race itself so that when it comes to running it, it'll be a breeze.

I have about a million projects floating in my head and started as I type. Top on deck are another spec script; thumbnails and possible layouts for my graphic novel, finishing typing and uploading a short story book to kindledirect, possible cover/sequential art for my portfolio, and trying desperately to find an agent. I'm also thinking of heading back into doing some stand-up again, I've been hitting a pretty good joke strive. The thing is I have all these projects started or finished half way through but have yet to complete any of them. Okay so that's not fair, I do have one spec script, a pilot script and a short comic book spec script finished. So I have finished some things. But I'm trying to push myself beyond my and others expectations.

Everyone starts from different places and our perspectives are always skewed but I've been thinking a lot about where it is I live and my dreams and how tough it is to accomplish them. I keep thinking that if I had been born in the cities where my careers are most popular and readily available with resources it might be simpler. But then I do think of others who have actually come from my same town and made it into their show biz careers. Okay so I only have one example of that in my friend Rich Talarico. Still, he came from my town and grew up in central New York and worked hard and made it out of here and as a writer/performer out in L.A.

His most famous quote/advice to me is always, "Do the work on whatever level you can, right now." I have no clue what that means really, I mean I sort of do. I guess in fact that is what I'm doing but without any feedback from people in my field and any sort of critique and interaction with players in the biz it just seems like a nice little hobby sometimes. Interactions are important in any setting but when dealing with your career choice or life decisions its even more important especially with the right people. But how do you get to interact with the right people? That's where I am.

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