Had a thought recently to start organizing what it is I talk about on this blog so as to better take care of it and use it to its fullest. I'm constantly shifting focus between my many many passions and at times on a blog like this it can get confusing for audience members as well as the blogger himself. So as to better serve all of my passions I've decided to break up the days into what it is I will post about. What I came up with is this:
Wednesday- Acting
I believe that this schedule will not only bring a needed focus to the blog but also organize my time better as well. I've always been a person who needed structure in my life otherwise I seem to flounder about and do things to sporadically. Its important as an artist to be creatively spontaneous but that doesn't mean to only do things at the spur of the moment. You can harness that surprising creative burst energy into a managed slot of time where you focus your mind. At least that's what I think. We'll see. So tonight expect a blog geared toward writing.
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