So in my desire to become a better writer and artist I am always searching for the best reference material and books out there. Some great books that have helped me are: The DC Comics Guide to Writing, Story, Writers on Comics Scriptwriting, How to Write what you Want and Sell what you Write. All of these books are invaluable to me in my writing, along with the classics and books from my favorite writers. In the spirit of free learning I figured I would share some notes here on the blog that I've made based off of my research in these books. Here is just a bit now, what I hope to do is keep sharing my notes on writing to not only reinforce them in my head but to hopefully help any would-be-writers out there like myself. Even tho I've self-published I am still looking for that mighty feeling one gets from being a writer working for a nice publishing house, here's to hoping and please enjoy the beginning of these notes! Thank you!
The Elements of a story- a beautifully told story is a symphonic unity in which structure, setting, character, genre and idea meld seamlessly.
Terminology of a story design- 1. Tell a whole story
2. Only select a few moments
3. Tell present story while life story is also told
Structure- 1. A selection of events from the character's life stories that is composed into a strategic sequence to arise specific emotions to express a specific view of life.
2. Compose events to flow one after the other.
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