Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Poem


Tied up and bound is she
The feed is set
Tragedy here is ready
Speak now your pain!

Let it die!
Kill it fast!
Make it your past!
Let it die! 
Kill it fast!
This pain too shall not last!

The speech is ready 
Spoken to an audience
Virtual and Spiritual
Your mind befuddles the words 

Let it die!
Kill it fast!
Make it your past!
Let it die! 
Kill it fast!
No longer part of your schizophrenic cast!

Words of forlorn
Words if dreams unreached 
Wisdom here in your sorrow
A plea to those alike 

Let it die! 
Kill it fast!
Make it your past!
Let it die!
Kill it fast! 
Let go this nightmare that is vast!

One last joke before it goes
One last look as you raise the glock
One last warning to those like you
The shot is fired as she come to

Let it die!
Kill it fast!
Make it your past!
Let it die!
Kill it fast!
Death to this part at last!

Cries of pain as she tries to save it
Resuscitation is futile
The feed is lost and gone black
Awakened from this daytime nightmare

So let it die!
So kill it fast!
So make it your past!
So let it die!
So kill it fast!
So move on to your future where prosperity is vast! 

Mike D. Burke 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Work History

17 jobs in 9 years...

Am I rich yet? No. Will I eventually succeed at my career goals and stop wandering from job to job like a vagabond? No clue. I'm only 24 and here's what I've learned about myself so far.

I usually need two or more jobs to support myself at a time. 

I never manage my money properly. 

Often I quit one of my jobs prematurely.

Having two jobs keeps me busy which is good but also exhausts my mental faculties and in some cases my physical. 

17 jobs in 9 years and I'm only making $3.00's more than when I started out. 

I'm not much closer to my career than when I started out, although via experience I've gained extensively more knowledge that I desperately needed. I still have time though, that's the beauty of youth. 

My networks and outreach need a lot of work. Meh. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013

Jack O'Lantern: Attorney at Law's favorite stories:

"One time I was set up on a blind date witha female lawyer, boy do I wish I really was blind. You know the difference between a female lawyer and a pitbull? Lipstick!"

"Was at a new client mixer once, the senior partners through it at what they called a ballroom, pretty sure the "clients"  there just called it the waiting-room of a hospital." 

"I'm good friends with Bellatrix LeStrange, poor girl went to Azkaban for Voldemort and never once got a congical visit. No wonder she's a little off."

"Was representing the wolf-man once in a case, he had slaughtered a bunch of pigs. We ended up winning the case by the jury. The judge came up to me later shaking his head and said the trajedy isn't that those pigs were slaughtered, the trajedy is that it doesn't happen more often to lawyers."

On the Hunt

Once again I'm on the hunt to find mire ways to make extra cash. I'm going to do some research and experimentation and hopefully remember to post it. Lol